LibreOffice Calcでは、
シート名タブを右クリック→シートイベント(V) で表示される「アクションの割り当て」ダイアログで、
画像は、セルC5をダブルクリックしたときのメッセージボックス表示例です。背景が白のセルをダブルクリックしても 何も起こりません。 事前に「アクションの割り当て」を「ダブルクリックしたとき」でこのマクロeventTest()に設定しておきます。
Double Click Ivent Action
Kom., 2013
Sub eventTest() ' Kom. 2013 ' To be invoked on Double Clicking a Cell. Dim oDoc As Object Dim oSheet As Object Dim oSel As Object Dim red As Integer, blue As Integer, green As Integer Dim sCellPos As String oDoc = ThisComponent 'Get the active sheet for this procesure. oSheet = oDoc.getCurrentController.getActiveSheet() oSel = oDoc.CurrentController.getSelection() 'If current selection is not single cell, quit this Sub. if not (oSel.ImplementationName = "ScCellObj") then Exit Sub End If 'Get red, green and blue components separately from Backcolor of the cell. red = GetRGBsepalately(oSel.CellBackColor, 0) green = GetRGBsepalately(oSel.CellBackColor, 1) blue = GetRGBsepalately(oSel.CellBackColor, 2) 'If the backcolor is close to Red, display the position of the cell on a MessegeBox. if (red >= 200) And (green < 10) And (blue < 10) then sCellPos=CStr(GetColumnOfSelectedCell(oDoc)) & "," & CStr(GetRowOfSelectedCell(oDoc)) MsgBox(sCellPos) EndIf End Sub Function GetRGBsepalately(rgb as Long, cid as integer) as integer 'cid 0:red, 1:green 2:blue Dim wk as Long if cid=0 then 'Red wk = rgb AND &HFF0000 wk = wk /&H10000 GetRGBsepalately = wk elseif cid=1 then wk = rgb AND &H00FF00 wk = wk /&H100 GetRGBsepalately = wk elseif cid=2 then wk = rgb AND &H0000FF GetRGBsepalately = wk else GetRGBsepalately = -1 end if End Function Function GetRowOfSelectedCell(oDc as Object) as Long Dim oSel as Object Dim oCellAddr as Object Dim nActCol as Long, nActRow as Long Dim nShtNo as Integer oSel = oDc.CurrentController.getSelection() oCellAddr = oSel.getCellAddress() oActCol = oCellAddr.Column nActRow = oCellAddr.Row GetRowOfSelectedCell=nActRow End Function Function GetColumnOfSelectedCell(oDc as Object) as Long Dim oDoc as Object Dim oSel as Object Dim oCellAddr as Object Dim nActCol as Long, nActRow as Long Dim nShtNo as Integer oSel = oDc.CurrentController.getSelection() oCellAddr = oSel.getCellAddress() nActCol = oCellAddr.Column GetColumnOfSelectedCell=nActCol End Function
OpenOfficeマクロプログラミング―「Writer」「Calc」「Base」…OOoをBasicで便利に! (I・O BOOKS)