Libre Office Basic マクロ
Macro Dialog
Kom., 2013
"FileBtn"には実行時イベントとして、FilesProcessFileSelectBtn (document, Basic)を指定。
"DeleteListBtn"には FileListDeleteBtn (document, Basic)を指定。
"ExecuteBtn"には ExecuteMergeBtn (document, Basic)を指定。
File Chooser
Kom., 2013
次に、コピー元のデータが入っている「SheetName」を指定し、 コピー元のどの列から現在のファイル(コピー先)のどの列へコピーするのか、を指定、 もしコピー先にすでにデータが入っていた場合に、上書きか、追記か、何もしないかをラジオボタンで選択し、 「Execute」ボタンを押して実行開始します。
以下はソースコードです。ダイアログも忘れずに作っておきます。Dim ThisDoc as Object Dim ThisSheet as Object Dim Doc as Object Dim oSheet as Object Dim Dlg as Object Dim oOption1 as Object Dim oOption2 as Object Dim oOption3 as Object Dim oCheckBox1 as Object Dim oCheckBox2 as Object Dim oListBox1 as Object Dim oComboBox1 as Object Dim oComboBox2 as Object Dim oStartNum as Object Dim oSheetName as Object Sub Main DialogLibraries.LoadLibrary("Standard") Dlg = CreateUnoDialog(DialogLibraries.Standard.TestDlg1) oListBox1 = Dlg.getControl("ListBox1") oOption1 = Dlg.getControl("Option1") oOption2 = Dlg.getControl("Option2") oOption3 = Dlg.getControl("Option3") oCheckBox1 = Dlg.getControl("CheckBox1") oCheckBox2 = Dlg.getControl("CheckBox2") oComboBox1 = Dlg.getControl("ComboBox1") oComboBox2 = Dlg.getControl("ComboBox2") oStartNum = Dlg.getControl("StartNum") oSheetName = Dlg.getControl("SheetName") ThisDoc=ThisComponent ThisSheet=ThisDoc.Sheets.getByName("Sheet1") oOption1.State=True 'フォームを表示する Dlg.execute() Dlg.endExecute() End Sub Function FileOpenDialog(title as String) as String filepicker = createUnoService("") filepicker.initialize(Array( filepicker.Title = title filePicker.appendFilter("CSV FIles(csv,txt)","*.csv;*.txt;*.java") filepicker.execute() files = filepicker.getFiles() FileOpenDialog=files(0) End function Dim getFiles(500) Dim getFilesURL(500) Sub FilesProcessFileSelectBtn 'Subroutine of Openning Multipul Files using FilePicker 'This Sub gets FileNames with Full-Path from the dialog and put them into ' a global array getFiles(). Dim sFiles() Dim Array(1) as Integer Dim nCount as Integer Dim FileProperties() As New Array(0) = oFilePicker = createUnoService( "" ) strUrl = convertToUrl("D:\") With oFilePicker .initialize( Array() ) 'Windows Vista 以降のOSでは、.setDisplayDirectory()は 'メニュー-ツール-OpenOffice.orgの全般の「開く」ダイアログと「保存」ダイアログの ' ダイアログを使用するにチェックを入れる。 .setDisplayDirectory(strUrl) .appendFilter( "Calcドキュメント", "*.xls;*.ods" ) .setMultiSelectionMode(True) '複数ファイル選択 End With nAccept = oFilePicker.execute() If nAccept > 0 Then sFiles() = oFilePicker.getFiles() i=0 if UBound(sFiles())>1 then For Each v In sFiles if i=0 then '複数ファイル選択時にはsFiles(0)に入っているのはフォルダーのパス。 'ただし、単一ファイル選択時はsFile(0)にファイル名を含んだフルパスが '入るので要注意。 folderPath=v else getFilesURL(i-1) = folderPath & v getFiles(i-1) = ConvertFromURL( folderPath & v ) nCount = oListBox1.getItemCount() oListBox1.additem( getFiles(i-1), nCount) end if i=i+1 next v else getFilesURL(0)=sFiles(0) getFiles(0)=ConvertFromURL(sFiles(0)) nCount = oListBox1.getItemCount() oListBox1.additem( getFiles(0), nCount) end if end if End Sub Sub FileListDeleteBtn 'リストボックス内の選択されている項目を削除する Dim nPos as Integer nPos = oListBox1.getSelectedItemPos() if nPos>-1 then oListBox1.removeItems( nPos, 1 ) End if End Sub Sub ExecuteMergeBtn 'Executeボタンをクリックしたときの処理。(マージ処理実行) Dim Array(1) as Integer Dim num as Integer, n as Integer, i as Integer Dim lineNum as Integer Dim fname Dim sItem As String Dim sColName as String Dim FileProperties(1) As New Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object Dim oProp() as new Dim d as Variant, strWork as String, ShName as String Dim Cell As Object Dim oSheets as Object num= oListBox1.getItemCount() startLine=Val(oStartNum.text) ThisDoc=ThisComponent ShName=oSheetName.Text ThisSheet=ThisDoc.Sheets.getByName(ShName) for n = 0 to num -1 oListBox1.selectItemPos( n, True ) sSelected = oListBox1.getSelectedItem() fname=ConvertToUrl(sSelected) FileProperties(0).Name = "MacroExecutionMode" FileProperties(0).Value = Doc=StarDesktop.loadComponentFromURL( fname,"_blank",0, FileProperties()) oSheets = Doc.Sheets If Not oSheets.hasbyName(ShName) Then msgbox(ShName & "シートがありません。", 0, fname) Goto Continue End If oSheet = Doc.Sheets.getByName(ShName) sColName = oComboBox1.text 'get selected item in ComboBox srcCol=GetColNum(oComboBox1.text) destCol=GetColNum(oComboBox2.text) for i = startLine to GetEndRow(Doc, oSheet, oComboBox1.text) d =oSheet.getCellByPosition(srcCol , i).String if ThisSheet.getCellByPosition(destCol , i).String <> "" then if oOption1.State=True then ' Overwrite ThisSheet.getCellByPosition(destCol , i).String=d elseif oOption2.State=True then ' Append strWork=ThisSheet.getCellByPosition(destCol , i).String strWork = strWork & d ThisSheet.getCellByPosition(destCol , i).String=strWork elseif oOption3.State=True then ' Do nothing end if Else ThisSheet.getCellByPosition(destCol , i).String=d End if next i Doc.close true Continue: Next n End Sub Function GetEndRow(oDc as object, oSht as object, sCol as String) as Long 'sColは"D"のように列名で指定 'Get end row of specified Column '指定列のデータが入っている最終行をLong型整数で返す。 Dim oCursor as Object Dim oCntrl as Object Dim oFrame as Object Dim oDispatcher as Object Dim oProp(2) as new Dim nShtEndRow as Long Dim nEndRow as Long Dim oDisp as String oCursor = oSht.createCursor() nShtEndRow = oCursor.getRangeAddress().EndRow oCntrl = oDc.getCurrentController() oFrame = oCntrl.Frame oDispatcher = createUnoService("") ' oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint" oProp(0).Value = "$" & sCol & "$" & nShtEndRow oProp(1).Name = "Sel" oProp(1).Value = false oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp()) ' oProp(0).Name = "By" oProp(0).Value = 1 oProp(1).Name = "Sel" oProp(1).Value = false oDispatcher.executeDispatch( oFrame, ".uno:GoUpToStartOfData", "", 0, oProp()) nEndRow = oCntrl.getSelection().getRangeAddress().EndRow ' GetEndRow=nEndRow End Function Sub RowSelection(oDc as object, CellName as string) 'CellName はB8 等 '指定した名前のセルを選択状態にする Dim oCtrl as Object, oFrame as Object Dim oDispatcher as Object Dim oProp(0) as new oCtrl = oDc.getCurrentController() oFrame = oCtrl.getFrame() oDispatcher = createUnoService("") ' oProp(0).Name = "ToPoint" oProp(0).Value = CellName oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:GoToCell", "", 0, oProp()) oDispatcher.executeDispatch(oFrame, ".uno:SelectRow", "", 0, Array()) ' End Sub Function GetRowOfSelectedCell(oDc as Object) as Long '選択されているセルの行番号を返す。 Dim oSel as Object Dim oCellAddr as Object Dim nActCol as Long, nActRow as Long Dim nShtNo as Integer oSel = oDc.CurrentController.getSelection() oCellAddr = oSel.getCellAddress() oActCol = oCellAddr.Column nActRow = oCellAddr.Row GetRowOfSelectedCell=nActRow End Function Function GetColumnOfSelectedCell(oDc as Object) as Long '選択されているセルの列番号を返す Dim oDoc as Object Dim oSel as Object Dim oCellAddr as Object Dim nActCol as Long, nActRow as Long Dim nShtNo as Integer oSel = oDc.CurrentController.getSelection() oCellAddr = oSel.getCellAddress() nActCol = oCellAddr.Column nActRow = oCellAddr.Row GetColumnOfSelectedCell=nActCol End Function Function GetColNum(strAdr as String) as Long '"A1"形式のセルアドレスの列番号をLong型整数で返す。(Aは0) Dim nChrCode as Long Dim numWork as Long numWork=0 for i=0 to Len(strAdr)-1 nChrCode= ASC(UCASE(Mid(strAdr, i+1, 1))) if nChrCode >= ASC("A") and nChrCode <= ASC("Z") then numWork = numWork * 26 + nChrCode-ASC("A") +1 else exit for end if next i GetColNum= numWork-1 End FunctionOpenOfficeマクロプログラミング―「Writer」「Calc」「Base」…OOoをBasicで便利に! 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